Thursday, October 25, 2012

Social Networking Sites

Facebook out of all four social networking sites that I'm about to mention is the most currently updated in terms of features as well as probably the most famous amongst teenagers and older crowds worldwide. Since the emergence of the Facebook movie, Facebook's popularity, memberships and revenue has began to rise in numbers never seen. Since these innovations to Facebook, it has given its users more options as well as unique features such as the ability to video chat, timeline and much more. Facebook makes it very easy to connect with people through the find friends search or mutual friends search, groups, pages, subscriptions to pages as well as suggestions. Even though Facebook has made quite a lot of changes over the years, there still tends to be a lack of privacy for users which is a problem for most users.

Another social networking site that is popular is Myspace. Since Myspace has been beaten by the competition of Facebook, there has been a lot of changes which has actually turned away a lot of users to deactivate their accounts since Myspace has changed their site from a social networking site to communicate with users around the world to a more entertainment based community where fans can communicate with celebrities mostly in the music business. Myspace is definitely not what it used to be but it attracts people mostly for entertainment purposes. Both Facebook and Myspace share some similarities since they have borrowed some ideas and made them unique in a way to better their websites but the competition is fairly noticeable. 

Twitter on the other hand is more of a simple social networking site that does not rely on much features that Facebook and Myspace uses. Twitter however contains hashtags and sharing links in order to communicate along with status updates which is similar to both Facebook and Myspace just that both of those sites do not use hashtags. The goal for each user on Twitter is to gain as much followers as they can to gain more popularity and share common interests in their status updates or posts. Twitter is very simple but yet fun to use especially if a user has a lot of followers.

Lastly, Instagram is one of the newest social networking sites out there. Instagram is based on photography and sharing pictures within that community on Instagram. Similar to Twitter, Instagram uses hashtags as well as links and at signs with the username of a user right after the after sign in order to communicate and share common interests. Using Instagram is much more fun when users around the world follows your profile as well as noticing the amount of likes you can get for your pictures in order to gain popularity within that community on Instagram. Out of all these social networking sites, I find that Instagram is the most fun social networking site to use because it is simple but people communicate with pictures and less words. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words so a picture speaks for itself.

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